Hardware Request Form At Milligan University, employees are assigned standard computer hardware. Any additional hardware must be approved and installed by the IT department. If you need to request specialty computer hardware, please provide the information below. You'll get a response from the Help Desk once your request has been reviewed. Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Hardware Requested(Required) What Milligan owned hardware have you already been issued?(Required)Please explain why the equipment you have been issued doesn't meet your needs(Required)Which cabinet member should review your request?(Required)Director of AthleticsVP of Academic AffairsVP of AdmissionsVP of AdvancementVP of Business and FinanceVP of Student Development and DeanPlease attach any supporting documentationMax. file size: 20 MB.Date Needed(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.